Jason Gregory

In this podcast, we will explore why the ancient cultures of the East are more important now than ever before. Unfortunately, when Eastern spirituality was imported to the West it went through an intense cultural appropriation that stripped the traditions bear of any cultural knowledge and flavor. The significance of culture became secondary to how these new and exotic traditions can benefit our own way of living. In our modern world, ancient cultures in general are sadly becoming a thing of the past due to our focus on so-called progress and technological advancement. As a result, an empty culture is slowly being developed in the world based around the internet and this online culture is driven by Western beliefs and thinking. This Western version of reality online is infiltrating Eastern cultures that don’t have the same cognition and this is causing a lot of psychological and social damage. But the damage is not only happening to those in the East because it is unknowingly damaging the minds of the West as well. Our modern culture that is slowly developing is eliminating thousands of years of culture in one generation. This is a disaster and will have long-term implications. What we don’t understand is that culture is an accumulated set of knowledge passed down from one generation to the next because the knowledge is true and works, it is why we have evolved to become a cultural species. To eliminate thousands of years of cultural knowledge will cause irreversible damage and widespread psychopathy’s. Instead of turning our backs on the great cultures and traditions of the past, we need to lean into them and understand how they enrich our lives. What we are is a product of all the great cultures in the world. Should we replace them with an artificial culture based on one version of the world? Find out!

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2 Responses

  1. Jason you and your wife are providing wonderful insights in each of this episodes. Thanks to both of you. Mike