Jason Gregory

One of the main differences between the East and West is how the mind is viewed. From Plato all the way down to Descartes and Kant there has been this belief in the disembodied mind and this perspective has influenced many institutions such as religion, science, and education. Actually, this model is still today the common belief in the West and it is starting to infect the East, especially through education’s focus on being rational. But is the disembodied model of mind the way the mind actually is? The Eastern spiritual traditions, especially Taoism, disagree with this model because of the fact that the West are only focusing on one cognitive function and area within the brain where the seat of “I” consciousness resides and not the whole brain, something that even cognitive science agrees with. The Eastern view essentially is mind-body holism while the Western model is mind-body dualism. This knowledge has been one of the most enlightening for people who have read my new book ‘Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance.’ In this video, I will explain both models. Which model is the truth? Find out.

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