Over the years I’ve had numerous requests for personally signed copies of my books, especially as gifts for the any upcoming holiday season. I have ran personally signed book promotions in the past, but the the problem has always been the expenses considering people live all over the world, which means postage can be expensive.
That past promotion I charged $50 US which I made a lose. Many costs go into sending signed copies of my books, first I need to order the books from my publishers in the US and UK if I personally don’t have any on me, which costs a lot. Then there is the postage attached to sending to my audience. So for this reason, personally signed copies of my books will be $60 US. I know that is expensive, but that is the only way it is possible.
This promotion will be ongoing for all those interested. Contact me HERE and tell me the book you want signed and to whom, plus your address.
Below are the options. Hope you all enjoy.
The Science and Practice of Humility $60US BUY NOW
Enlightenment Now $60US BUY NOW
Fasting the Mind $60US BUY NOW
Effortless Living $60US BUY NOW
Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance $60US BUY NOW
Spiritual Freedom in the Digital Age $60US BUY NOW