Jason Gregory

We are trained to constantly be active because of the illusion that success in this world is the result of those who have enough stamina to handle the weight of stress we put on the mind and body. But to live our lives in this fashion is destroying our nervous system and creating insane people. To escape this trap, we overstimulate ourselves with unhealthy habits and a constant stream of entertainment. But none of this helps and it actually contributes to the problem. We are yearning for a way out of this insanity. We are seeking for a path of sanity where we can thrive without wearing out our being in the process. Taoism is a path out of the mire. It is a path that reigns in your tendency towards busyness, allowing you to feel comfortable in stillness and essentially doing nothing. Taoism is the way of inner peace at the core of our nature. Our goal in life is to follow this way and in doing so, we will bring harmony to the world piece by piece.

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