Jason Gregory

In this episode of Enlightenment Today, I will speak about our commitment to ending the cycle of Samsara. Often people want to do good deeds in their present life so that their next life will be a prosperous. People do this because they are under the belief that they are accumulating good karma. But they are missing the point altogether and are driven by the fruits of the external world. This type of attitude is still geared towards materialism and essentially prolongs the cycle of suffering. Many people are often in this trap and they wonder why their suffering is not alleviated. To end the cycle of Samsara we have to make a committed to making this our last life in our present life. Rather than doing good deeds in our present life under the vague intuition that our next life will be prosperous, we need to be serious about ending this cycle of suffering we are all caught in. You need to ask yourself, Will this be your last life? Learn more.

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