
Fasting the Mind OUT NOW!


My new book Fasting the Mind was published June, 13 2017. Fasting the Mind has been touted as a book to revolutionize the way we think, how we understand the mind, and what it truly means to have a peaceful mind. Some of the key points within this book are:

• Combines cognitive psychology with Zen, Taoist, and Vedic practices to empty the mind

• Explains how eliminating external stimulation can alleviate stress and anxiety for a calmer state of mind

• Details meditation practices, such as open-awareness meditation, contemplation of Zen koans, and Vipassana meditation, and explores methods of digital detox

• Draws on classical yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism as well as cognitive science to explain how and why to fast the mind

The revolution of mind is here. Below are the links to purchase yourself a copy to begin the revolution:

Amazon Paperback http://amzn.to/2zhsAY1                                                                                                                                Amaz​on Kindle http://amzn.to/2z60LOe
Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1620556464/
Amazon Canada https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1620556464/
Direct from Inner Traditions https://www.innertraditions.com/fasting-the-mind.html
Direct from Simon & Schuster http://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Fasting-the-Mind/Jason-Gregory/9781620556467                                                                                                                                                              Barnes &​ Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fasting-the-mind-jason-gregory/1124693189


It’s Now or Never | Enlightenment Now Book Review by Daniel Reid


If you’ve read Enlightenment Now by Jason Gregory, or plan to read it, you’re a fully enlightened being and you know it, but you’re probably still pretending that you don’t in order to avoid responsibility for behaving in accord with that state, here and now. Enlightened behavior essentially means the proper management of how you use your energy in the world through the three faculties of body, speech, and mind, the source of all your actions, words, and thoughts in life. If you plan to continue putting off enlightened behavior, you’d better read another book, because this book won’t let you off the hook about delaying it any longer. You’ve delayed long enough already, and if you put it off much longer, you’ll lose your chance altogether because life is short and things change fast these days.

This is a short book that’s easy to read. Its message is as simple and clear as saying, “The earth is round not flat, and the sun rises in the east not the west.” How many ways are there to say that, and how much evidence do people need to understand such obvious things? This book is more of a reminder than a revelation because we already know the truth it discusses. It’s basically an expanded prose version of the ancient Heart Sutra, the favorite scripture of Mahayana Buddhism in China. It’s a wake-up call for all you sleepy heads out there who claim that you wish to be enlightened but think you still have plenty of time to put it off and keep snoozing through life. You don’t, because time is an illusion. There’s no such thing as linear time in our lives.

Let’s deal with that first. As the title indicates, Gregory’s book is about “now.” It’s always now. Have you ever lived in any time other than right now? The past and future are mental constructs that only serve as excuses for not being—and behaving—here and now. They don’t actually exist. People say, “Time passes,” but what they’re talking about is not time. It’s space and form in a state of constant flux, and it’s always happening right now.

Take aging for example. People think it’s “caused” by the passage of time, but it’s not. It’s simply an ongoing process of deterioration that happens to all material form, without exception. Hair turns white, skin wrinkles, muscles atrophy, brains get rusty, and it’s all happening right here and now, in the eternal present moment. That’s not time.  It’s the basic nature of composite form. This is one of the first truths the Buddha taught, and he called it “impermanence.” He didn’t call it “time.” To paraphrase the Buddha’s last words to his time-conscious disciples, “Get your act together now! What are you waiting for?”

So why do people waste time that doesn’t even exist? Why do they live in the illusion of past and future rather than simply being here now and living in harmony with their own original nature? People choose to live in the illusion of time in order to avoid taking responsibility for living the way enlightened beings should live right now. Persuading yourself that you’re spiritually ignorant and immersed in delusion is the perfect excuse for all your misbehavior. If you accepted and lived by the enlightened awareness with which you were born, you’d be responsible for using your energy with the innate wisdom and compassion that enlightened awareness activates. You could not possibly allow your behavior to be motivated by anger and hatred, envy and greed, jealousy and lust, and all the other negative emotions that drive most behavior in the world today. You’d have to become a wise and compassionate person right now, and for people with other agendas that’s not convenient.

Gregory doesn’t mince his words when discussing this problem. He describes most of the formal spiritual practices that people use to comfort themselves from day to day and assure each other that they’re on the way to enlightenment as nothing more than “spiritual postponement.” Meditation, yoga, breath work, visualization, reciting scriptures, and other practices that are repeated day after day for years and years in order to gain something that we already have makes no sense as a logical proposition, much less a spiritual path. It’s just another way to shirk responsibility for behaving according to the basic virtues of enlightened awareness right now. “The real spiritual practice,” states the Dalai Lama, “is daily life.”

“Yes, yes, I know that we should treat starving refugees with generosity and compassion—but not now. We’ll plan to do that later. Meanwhile, let’s get these bastards out of our country! Let them go some place else.” Sound familiar? That’s essentially what Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Turnbull are saying in Australia about people who go there in desperation to seek refuge. These are the same hypocrites who, when it comes to election time, claim to be devout Christians who practice the teachings of Jesus. It’s much the same in America and Europe, though perhaps not quite as blatant. Jesus didn’t postpone his practice of what he preached, and neither did Buddha. They both walked their talk, and the reason their teachings still inspire people today is because they were not just barking in the wind. They lived by what they knew to be true. Postponing your enlightenment and not enacting it here and now is irresponsible and a denial of who we all really are.

The fundamental issue here is freedom and how we use it or lose it. H.L. Mencken wrote, “The average man doesn’t want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” He pawns his precious freedom in exchange for money and material security that are as illusory as all material form and which disintegrate just as fast. The awakened man realizes that life is risky by nature and the notion of material security is an illusion, so he chooses instead to cultivate the only thing that he knows he owns outright and forever as his birthright, and that no one can ever take away from him, and that’s his awareness as an innately enlightened being. In order to do this, he must be free—free to act, speak, and think according to his true nature, free not to believe and enact false ideas, and free from the illusion and empty promise of material security. Freedom to be your true self is all it takes to be enlightened. You don’t need to practice being what you already are.

Freedom is essentially the freedom of choice. When we choose not to be enlightened now, which is our real condition, we are giving up our freedom to be who we really are. If you’re free, how can you choose not to be what you already are? That’s an ignorant and irresponsible choice and a rejection of freedom.

The reason people surrender their freedom to be and behave as enlightened beings now is because they want to put it off till later so they can chase after money, possessions, sex, and social status now, and do things to get them that no enlightened person would ever do. “I’ll do the enlightenment thing later,” they say, “but first I’m going to do this.” In reality, however, “later” never comes because it’s always now. In the chapter on “Fast-Food Spiritual Junkie” Jason writes,

We even attempt to control when and how we will become enlightened, as we bounce from one spiritual retreat to another, from one guru to another—and all the time this “enlightenment” is supposed to be right around the corner. But chasing enlightenment like this is really chasing just  another pleasurable experience…We replace our old interests with spiritual interests, but this only does more damage because it masks the latent pain within our psyche. Born-again Christians and New Agers tend to mask their spiritual pain even more than others, because both groups believe they have spiritual knowledge over and above the ignorant masses. They view themselves as saved according to their doctrine, when in truth salvation comes only from within…

This sort of behavior is like sleepwalking through life. People who live this way think they are doing so by choice, but in fact they are driven by ignorance. They have relinquished their freedom of choice because the only possible choice that a free person who is sane can make is the choice to be what he really is—a fully enlightened being—and to act accordingly. Any other choice is self-deception, and anyone who chooses to deceive himself is basically insane. That’s no surprise these days because we live in a world that’s gone insane, but that doesn’t mean you have to act this way yourself because you already have the antidote to insanity within you.

Jason describes the way most people perceive the world and their place in it as the “monarchial view of the universe,” a view that’s taken for granted as the natural order:

This perception of life as a monarchical order has become so indoctrinated into humanity that we do not even question its authenticity…We are so conditioned with this view that we passively acquiesce to anybody who has an apparent hierarchical position. Whether in the workplace, religion, nation, family, or anywhere else, many people unconsciously submit their whole being to whom or what they believe to be on a higher level…rather than seeking to find the source of one’s submissive attitude through questioning our conditioning.

Those sitting on top of the monarchical hierarchy maintain their privileged position with the threat of punishment for misbehavior by those in the herd below. Most religions, especially those with angry, jealous gods who watch your every move, constantly preach to their flocks about sin and punishment. They list all sorts of bad behavior and call them sins for which you’ll be punished not now but eternally after death. In fact, there’s only one sin that really counts and it encompasses the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, and all the other offenses listed in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and other monotheistic religions. You only need to understand and avoid this one all-inclusive sin in order to avoid trouble after you die.

That single all-embracing sin is the mismanagement and abuse of your energy in this world through your actions, words, and thoughts. Each of us is born with the sacred gift of life, and what fuels our lives is the energy we bring into the world with us and use every moment from birth to death in our relationship with the world and others with whom we share it. We manifest this energy every day through what the Buddhist teachings call the “Three Gates” of body, speech, and mind. If you kill people or steal from them, you abuse the way you manifest energy through the gate of body by depriving others of their lives and things that belong to them. If you lie and say things that harm others, that’s a misuse of energy through speech. And if you harbor bad thoughts and ill will toward others, and use your intelligence to hatch schemes that are harmful to others, you’re abusing your gift of energy through the gate of mind. Every sin listed in all the scriptures of every religion on earth is covered by this one simple rule—do no harm. So why not keep it simple and just stick to this one universal law?

Gregory’s book makes it clear that the antidote to misbehavior caused by the misuse of energy is to manifest your energy, every day and every way, only in accordance with your real condition and your true nature as an enlightened being. That requires no scriptures because enlightened awareness naturally gives rise to two basic universal virtues—wisdom and compassion.  If you never do, say, or think anything that conflicts with wisdom and compassion, you will never mismanage your energy with a single act, word, or thought that’s sinful and gets you into trouble after you die. This is the universal law of karma, and it applies equally to everyone without exception.

Karma is not a complicated doctrine associated with any particular religion. The word “karma” simply means “action.”  Your karma is the sum total of all your actions, words, and thoughts during the course of your life, and it constitutes your personal “karma account,” the net balance of which determines exactly where you go—and where you belong—after you die. There’s no angry god out there who’s going to judge you and send you to heaven or hell. Your own behavior in life, i.e. the way you use your energy, determines precisely what happens next after you die. Gregory states this idea very well on page 20:

We are again giving away our sense of responsibility here, because we expect God to punish us for our sins, rather than admitting that we are punished by our sins.

It’s really quite easy to avoid a bad outcome in the afterlife. Simply stop accumulating negative debit and start accruing positive credit in your personal karmic account now, by being careful how you spend your energy in life. Be enlightened now. Manage your energy with wisdom and compassion, and behave yourself. Gregory’s book is a simple user’s guide to enlightened awareness that tells you how to do it.

Westerners usually view karma as an “Asian concept” associated with Hinduism and Buddhism because the word “karma” comes from Sanskrit. That’s a convenient excuse not to accept and live by its truth as a universal law. So let’s call it by more familiar terms, such as “cause and effect,” “action and reaction,” or “positive and negative.” These are proven laws of physics that govern energy, and they apply as much to the way we use our energy in life as they do to electric currents, magnetic fields, and jet propulsion.

The real problem for Westerners who don’t understand karma is not the word but rather the fact that most Western people don’t understand how energy works. Your personal energy is what drives every action, word, and thought that you manifest in the world, and you alone are responsible for how you use your energy and how it affects others. Not “believing” in karma is like not believing in the way a magnet works or electricity moves through a wire or a jet engine propels an airplane. At heart such professed disbelief is nothing more than a convenient way to avoid taking responsibility for the consequences of what you do, say, and think and how it affects other people. However, as they’ll tell you in any courtroom, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

So what’s “enlightenment?” Enlightenment is awareness of your true nature as an enlightened being and your responsibility for using your energy accordingly. In Sanskrit it’s called Purusha, in Chinese it’s known as Tao (the Way), and in the Dzogchen teachings of Tibet it’s simply referred to as the State. It’s something that cannot be described in words but can be realized with awareness. The opening lines of the classic Taoist text Tao Te Ching (“The Way and its Power”) states unequivocally that “the way that can be spoken is not the real Way” and “the name that can be named is not the real Name.”

In Dzogchen, the primordial state of enlightened awareness is referred to as Vajra, a “diamond” or “lightning” with three basic facets: it’s essentially “empty,” which means it’s formless and immaterial; it’s naturally luminous, which means it glows with its own inner light; and it’s endowed with infinite potential energy that manifests continuously without interruption, and that’s the energy we use to live our lives.

Truth is always self-evident. It doesn’t need to be proved or debated. It just needs to be realized and practiced. The journey to the goal of enlightenment cannot be separated for a single moment from the goal itself, because both the journey and the goal are integral parts of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If enlightenment is your goal, then you must use your energy in an enlightened way with every step you take, here and now. Otherwise you’ll never get there, because the journey and the goal are one and the same. How can deluded behavior ever lead to enlightenment? Of course we all slip and misstep on the path, but if we keep our minds on what we’re doing, saying, and thinking here and now, and don’t let our attention wander off to a non-existent past and future, we’ll always correct our mistakes the moment we make them and stay on course.

The problem with most religions, especially the hell and damnation and pie-in-the-sky salvation variety, is that people believe it’s all right to treat others like shit as long as they go to church and pray to their god for forgiveness. They think this absolves them of responsibility for what they’ve done to others. They believe they can cancel the debts they accumulate for their misbehavior by subscribing and paying their dues to the right religion, which usually means the religion into which they were born by happenstance. They take it all on blind faith and never realize why it provides no relief for their suffering in life. Conventional religious belief is nothing more than an easy way to avoid taking personal responsibility for one’s daily behavior in life. It doesn’t work, and it doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your bad behavior after you die.

The only thing that works is realizing your true nature as an enlightened being, a nature that you share with everyone else on earth, not just with those who follow the same religion, and then to behave in accordance with universal law by applying the virtues of wisdom and compassion that arise from enlightened awareness. It doesn’t matter whether you call it Purusha, Tao, or the State. It’s all the same, always and in all ways.

If you’re interested in these things but don’t have much experience with metaphysics and spiritual work, you can count on Jason Gregory to point you in the right direction and save you the trouble of following paths that only lead to dead ends. Jason is a reliable, insightful guide to the magic and mystery behind the material world that we perceive with our physical senses and interpret with our worldly minds. He offers spiritual friendship and guidance to anyone who reads his books with an open and inquisitive mind.

This book and his previous title, The Science and Practice of Humility, teach you one of the easiest and most effective practices for cultivating spiritual awareness, which is this: the moment you stop doing things, saying things, and thinking things and just rest in your basic unadorned state of being, you’re enlightened and you’ll know it, right here and now, not tomorrow or next year or in your next life. It’s really that simple, and it doesn’t require much effort. All it requires is the practice of presence in awareness, which you already have. As Jason writes on the last page of this book,

To search for enlightenment is to postpone it, as the Buddha realized. Searching for something that we already have is useless. The great Zen master Po-chang was asked about seeking our Buddha nature (that is, our original nature, or enlightenment). Po-chang answered, “It’s much like riding an ox in search of an ox.”

The ox is here with you now and always has been. So what are you waiting for? It’s now or never.

By Danial Reid

Daniel Reid has a Master’s degree in Chinese language and civilization, and he studied Taoist practices in Taiwan for 16 years and in Thailand for 10 before moving to Australia in 1999. He is the author of several books, including The Tao of HealthSex & Longevity and The Complete Book of Chinese Health & Healing, and the translator of My Journey in Mystic China, John Blofeld’s autobiographical account of his years spent in pre-Communist China. http://www.danreid.org/

Buy Enlightenment Now

Amazon Paperback http://amzn.to/2B2oNuV                                                                                                                            Amazon Kindle http://amzn.to/2B97RDa
Direct from Inner Traditions http://www.innertraditions.com/enlightenment-now.html
Direct from Simon & Schuster http://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Enlightenment-Now/Jason-Gregory/9781620555910

Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1620555913/
Amazon CA http://www.amazon.ca/dp/1620555913/
Amazon IN http://www.amazon.in/dp/1620555913/
Amazon FR http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1620555913/
Amazon JP http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1620555913/
Amazon BR http://www.amazon.com.br/dp/1620555913/


Fasting the Mind 44% Off Pre-order Special & Free Gift Giveaway


To celebrate the publication of my new book Fasting the Mind this year Amazon and I will be holding outrageous deals on pre-ordering which will expire on the publication date of May 26. Amazon’s pre-order price guarantee is set at an amazing 44% off retail price, putting the book at only $8.30 if you pre-order now. That’s right, you will save $6.65 if you pre-order now. Also I will have four pre-order offers for you to choose from which all include a bunch of awesome stuff that you can share with others. These packages might be the perfect solution to a lot of headaches people have when trying to decide on gifts for others. Below you’ll see these four offers and bonuses for anyone who pre-orders the book now. If you believe there are people in your life that might benefit from or enjoy my new book then take advantage of this once off offer. The Revolution of Mind is here, but you need the book to know that first.


#1 – If you pre-order 5 copies of Fasting the Mind before May 26, you’ll receive:

*A personally signed copy of my most recent book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

Click here to pre-order 5 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #1” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#2 – If you pre-order 10 copies of Fasting the Mind before May 26, you’ll receive:

* A personally signed copy of my book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copy of my most recent book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

Click here to pre-order 10 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #2” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#3 – If you pre-order 20 copies of Fasting the Mind before May 26, you’ll receive:

* A personally signed copy of my book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copy of my most recent book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copies of my new book Fasting the Mind delivered to your door.

*A 30 minute skype call with me to discuss my work and strategies that will help design a healthy lifestyle for you which will promote well-being, focus, mindfulness, and creativity that all contribute to authentic independency. This conversation is not set in stone and can be flexible based on your needs.

Click here to pre-order 20 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #3” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#4- If you pre-order 50 copies of Fasting the Mind before May 26, you’ll receive:

* 2 personally signed copies of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* 2 personally signed copies of my most recent book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

* 2 personally signed copies of my new book Fasting the Mind delivered to your door.

*A 1 hour skype call with me to discuss my work and strategies that will help design a healthy lifestyle for you which will promote well-being, focus, mindfulness, and creativity that all contribute to authentic independency. This conversation is not set in stone and can be flexible based on your needs.

Click here to pre-order 50 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #4” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

*This offer applies to digital or physical pre-orders. Thank you all for the support.


Enlightenment Now Christmas Gift Giveaway

en-fb-christmasTake care of all your family and friends this holiday season with my Enlightenment Now Christmas Gift Giveaway. To celebrate the holiday season I will be holding a order giveaway with many free gifts expiring on the date of December 31. There are four order offers to choose from which all include a bunch of awesome gifts that you can share with others. With Christmas so close one of these packages might be the perfect solution to a lot of headaches people have when trying to decide on gifts for others, especially meaningful gifts. Below you’ll see these four offers and bonuses for anyone who orders the book. If you believe there are people in your life that might benefit or enjoy my new book then take advantage of this once off offer.


#1 – If you purchase 5 copies of Enlightenment Now before December 31, you’ll receive:

*A personally signed copy of Enlightenment Now or The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

Click here to purchase 5 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Order #1” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the orders and do not cancel their order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#2 – If you purchase 10 copies of Enlightenment Now before December 31, you’ll receive:

* A personally signed copy of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copy of my new book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

Click here to purchase 10 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Order #2” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the orders and do not cancel their order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#3 – If you purchase 20 copies of Enlightenment Now before December 31, you’ll receive:

* A personally signed copy of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copy of my new book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

*A 30 minute skype call with me to discuss my work and strategies that will help design a healthy lifestyle for you which will promote well-being, focus, mindfulness, and creativity that all contribute to authentic independency. This conversation is not set in stone and can be flexible based on your needs.

Click here to purchase 20 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Order #3” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the orders and do not cancel their order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#4- If you purchase 50 copies of Enlightenment Now before December 31, you’ll receive:

* 3 personally signed copies of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* 3 personally signed copies of my new book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

*A 1 hour skype call with me to discuss my work and strategies that will help design a healthy lifestyle for you which will promote well-being, focus, mindfulness, and creativity that all contribute to authentic independency. This conversation is not set in stone and can be flexible based on your needs.

Click here to purchase 50 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Order #4” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the orders and do not cancel their order and receive my gift under false pretences).

*This offer applies to digital or physical pre-orders. Thank you all for the support.

EN preorder promo

Enlightenment Now: My New Book and a Bunch of Pre-order Gifts

EN preorder promoTo celebrate the publication of my new book Enlightenment Now this year I will be holding a pre-order giveaway with many free gifts expiring on the publication date of October 13. There are four pre-order offers to choose from which all include a bunch of awesome stuff that you can share with others. With October being so close to Christmas one of these packages might be the perfect solution to a lot of headaches people have when trying to decide on gifts for others. Below you’ll see these four offers and bonuses for anyone who pre-orders the book. If you believe there are people in your life that might benefit or enjoy my new book then take advantage of this once off offer.


#1 – If you pre-order 5 copies of Enlightenment Now before October 13, you’ll receive:

*A personally signed copy of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

Click here to pre-order 5 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #1” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#2 – If you pre-order 10 copies of Enlightenment Now before October 13, you’ll receive:

* A personally signed copy of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copy of my new book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

Click here to pre-order 10 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #2” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#3 – If you pre-order 20 copies of Enlightenment Now before October 13, you’ll receive:

* A personally signed copy of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* A personally signed copy of my new book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

*A 30 minute skype call with me to discuss my work and strategies that will help design a healthy lifestyle for you which will promote well-being, focus, mindfulness, and creativity that all contribute to authentic independency. This conversation is not set in stone and can be flexible based on your needs.

Click here to pre-order 20 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #3” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

#4- If you pre-order 50 copies of Enlightenment Now before October 13, you’ll receive:

* 3 personally signed copies of my last book The Science and Practice of Humility delivered to your door.

* 3 personally signed copies of my new book Enlightenment Now delivered to your door.

*A 1 hour skype call with me to discuss my work and strategies that will help design a healthy lifestyle for you which will promote well-being, focus, mindfulness, and creativity that all contribute to authentic independency. This conversation is not set in stone and can be flexible based on your needs.

Click here to pre-order 50 copies, then email your receipt to jasongregory@hotmail.com.au with “Pre-order #4” in the subject. When you receive the books send a photo of you with the books to the above email or post it on my Facebook or Twitter and I will send your gift straight away (The photo is done just to make sure people actually receive the pre-orders and do not cancel their pre-order and receive my gift under false pretences).

*This offer applies to digital or physical pre-orders. Thank you all for the support.

White Moon on the Mountain Peak 2

Jason Gregory’s Foreword for Damo Mitchell’s New Book White Moon on the Mountain Peak

White Moon on the Mountain PeakForeword

The Daoist Key to Naturalness

Nothing frustrates the mind more than its attempts to be spontaneously natural without any intention to do so. We encounter this frustration within most spiritual traditions around the world. This becomes a battle between our conscious self (ego) and the adaptive mystical unconscious. This dilemma is explored and brought face to face with our awareness to the core of the problem most categorically in the mystical traditions of the East and the philosophy and methods of practice that have evolved from these Asian cultures as a result. Both the philosophy and methods of practice have tried to deal with this paradoxical obstacle of trying to be natural without “trying” to be natural. We have had philosophers and practitioners debating for millennia over this universal conundrum.

As far as our historical records suggest this problem originated in the classical period of Chinese philosophy known as the ‘Hundred Schools of Thought’ (諸子百家) which flourished from the 6th century to 221BC, during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period of ancient China. In this period we saw the rise of the four great philosophers of ancient China who all in some way contributed to a deep understanding of our attempts to be natural. They were Laozi, Confucius, Mencius, and Zhuangzi. We could debate all day long who we think has the superior philosophy or if they all somehow contribute to further our knowledge of the matter, but that is not the point. The key argument that gets to the point is whether we can induce naturalness (ziran in Chinese 自然), or whether it comes from a state of non-doing.

This is best symbolized between the different perspectives of Laozi and Confucius. Both were concerned with how a human being accords to the Way (Dao in Chinese道) and lives its virtue (de in Chinese 德) as a result. One of the only things they would agree upon was that we need to return to our nature to be in the cosmic river of Dao. Yet both of their philosophies to live our nature were diametrically opposed.

Confucius believed in the “carving and polishing” of the block of wood perspective. His belief is that we should chisel away at our beastly character to cultivate the Confucian virtues that are supposed to turn us into a Superior Man (Junzi in Chinese君子) who is in the end only functioning as an empty vessel for the forces of Dao to work through. The Confucian approach to naturalness, as a result of carving and polishing, is the method of wei-wu-wei (為無為), meaning doing non-doing. Naturally in the flow of the Way was to be obtained through following the ethics, odes, rituals, and sacrifices of Confucian philosophy (Ru in Chinese儒), which is supposed to shape our psychology to sense intuitively the metaphysical Way of the Dao in our ordinary life. But a big problem with this approach is it assumes that the Dao adheres to the philosophy of Ru and not the other way around. We lose sight of the meaning of ritual, as the Vedic civilization of the Indus Valley in India and Pakistan did as well, and we believe that the virtue of spontaneity is only confined within ritual and those who practice it.

Laozi, on the other hand, believes this approach is a disaster and in a way go on to explain that the Confucians are still interpreting the spontaneous nature of Dao with the conscious mind which indicates that even the Junzi is not really an empty vessel. Instead of carving and polishing the block of wood, Laozi would suggest we stick to the “uncarved block” or unhewn wood in other words. Holding onto the uncarved block we quell all our attempts to be natural and just allow spontaneity to be as it will in our life with no premeditated control of it. This leads to the essential Daoist art of living known in Chinese as wu-wei (無為), meaning non-doing. According to Laozi wu-wei is the way to align our mind to the Dao because we have stopped trying to control our experience. He believed that if we embraced non-doing in our life the conscious self (ego) would loosen its grip of tyranny within our mind so the mystical unconscious can allow our experience to be as it will without our personal agenda and desires of life projected upon it. But we should keep in mind that Laozi is not saying literally that we should do nothing and become a stone Buddha. What he is saying is that when we don’t force life to be a certain way and instead allow life to happen, wu-wei, we accord to the Dao because the sense of “I” has become subservient to the Way of nature, which is spontaneous. This means that outwardly we could be actively doing things but within we are effortless because the sense of personality has marinated and become absorbed in the Dao.

We discover this Laozian understanding of wu-wei also in the Indian epic Bhagavad Gita with the Sanskrit nishkam karma where Krishna advocates to Arjuna to remain active but be inwardly effortless without the need of being rewarded for the fruits his labor. Essentially Krishna wants Arjuna to be so effortless that his actions are completely selfless because the “I” has dissolved. The Bhagavad Gita states this in two key verses:

To action alone hast thou a right and never at all to its fruits; let not the fruits of action be thy motive; neither let there be in thee any attachment to inaction.

Fixed in yoga, do thy work, O Winner of wealth (Arjuna), abandoning attachment, with an even mind in success and failure, for evenness of mind is called yoga.

When we attempt to act with the sense of being the doer we resist the Dao and suffer as a result. To use an example, when we try to open a door with a key if we force the key when we turn it there is resistance, but if we are soft and just jiggle and apply enough pressure then the key moves smoothly and the door opens. This is a metaphor for our life and also for the way our own psychological conditioning blocks the stream of the universe to flow through our innate stillness of mind.

As a result of both the Confucian and Laozian perspectives of how to be naturally in harmony with the Dao we discover the Daoist predicament. Because we can all say that from our vantage point of 2500 years past their time that both present good arguments that we can see exhibited in our own life for those who are paying attention to their inner and outer worlds. This is why Mencius was impartial to both sides and though he is historically thought of as a Confucian, he often sounds more like a mouthpiece for the wisdom of Laozi than anyone else.

Clarity is not brought to this predicament until the end of the Warring States period when the philosophy of Zhuangzi came into existence. In regards to this debate between Laozi and Confucius, Zhuangzi would say there is no right or wrong. A key theme of his philosophy was that human beings are fundamentally flawed because we have the ability to discern between “this” and “that” in our essence (qing in Chinese 情). This leads to subjective opinions of right and wrong, good and evil, arbitrary judgments, and so on. According to Zhuangzi, if you are attempting to define the indescribable Dao then nothing is more stupid than this. This is reflected in the text attributed to him known simply as the Zhuangzi. This is one of the most beautiful texts that stand side by side with the Dao De Jing as a classic of Daoist thought full of humor, mystery, paradox, and wisdom. In the Zhuangzi, we find him poke fun at both opposing perspectives, not in the sense that they are both wrong, but because they both fall into failure when they believe their own philosophy is the “only” way to live according to Dao. It was absurd for Zhuangzi to think that spontaneity had a certain philosophical dress sense it related to. That would be like favoring the spontaneity in music over the spontaneity in sport. The problem with this, as a result, is we get lost in the projections of our own opinions of whether we prefer music or sport better without perceiving the Dao move spontaneously in both. And it is because of this intellectual preference for what we like or dislike, or find acceptable or not acceptable, that Zhuangzi’s focus is on the art of living in harmony with the Dao through becoming skilled at it.

This skill of the art of living is illustrated best by the story of Butcher Ding (classically known as Cook Ding) in the Zhuangzi. In true Zhuangzian fashion he uses the graphic description of Ding hacking up oxen piece by piece essentially to shock you because Zhuangzi is trying to emphasize that perfection is found everywhere in the world. Zhuangzi actually wanted this reaction because in the Warring States of China butchers were thought of as the lowest of the low, so it is extremely weird to see Ding portrayed as an exemplar of the Dao.

In the story of Butcher Ding, Lord Wen-Hui is curious about his remarkable skill. He is amazed how Ding’s blade gracefully glides through the ox with no resistance and the ox falls apart effortlessly. Ding explained to Lord Wen-Hui that he went through various stages before attaining this skill. First he said that at the beginning all he could see was ox and so he didn’t know where to start because he was only relying on his senses. Then after three years Ding said he no longer saw the ox as a whole. This means that he had an analytical understanding of how an ox goes together. After this understanding, Ding came to the final stage where he explains to Lord Wen-Hui:

“I encounter it with my spirit and don’t look with my eyes. My senses and conscious awareness have shut down and my spiritual desires take me away.”

Meaning he has shut down his external senses and his mind so his spiritual desires (shen yu in Chinese 神欲)  are released and they are what guide him, essentially being moved by Dao. We could call this the embodied mind because he trained his psychosomatic organism sufficiently to be naturally spontaneous without a sense of “Ding” the person doing anything. In cognitive science they would say Ding has trained his hot cognition (body and mind’s automatic instinctual response) so well that he can shut down his cold cognition (conscious control of the instinctual response).

Ding goes onto explain this skill to Lord Wen-Hui by telling him that after 19 years he has never sharpened his knife once because he doesn’t touch anything in the process of cutting. This is a metaphor for our life. In moving through life skillfully, like the blade through the ox, we accord to our heavenly nature and move in resonance with the Dao. The blade is our being, our body, heart-mind, and spirit. So this story is not about Lord Wen-Hui becoming a skilled butcher. It’s a way of shutting down our senses and analytic mind so the heavenly force can move through us. Early in the story Lord Wen-Hui was amazed at Butcher Ding’s skill and asked how he could be so skillful. Ding replied:

“What your servant values is the Way (Dao 道), which goes beyond mere skill or technique.”

Ding is explaining that it is not about skill per se, but instead it is about being in touch with the Dao. So the argument Zhuangzi illustrates through the story of Ding is not a matter of whether Laozi’s philosophy to be natural is better than Confucius’s or vice versa, or a matter of whether we should “do” something to be natural or not. But instead what it is about is how can we become spontaneously natural through the analytical mind, or conscious self in other words, if itself is unnatural and actually an artificial byproduct of culture and society? Essentially, how can this artifice of a person (ego) I believe I am get rid of itself? This confusing paradox was a key element to why the great alchemical traditions of the world came into existence. None more important than the art of Nei Dan (internal alchemy) in China that offers us a way out of this confusion and back into harmony with the Dao, which is the primary focus of this Daoist epic presented by Damo Mitchell.

Damo MitchellTo understand Nei Dan, or any other alchemical tradition for that matter, we must not only be adept in intuiting the philosophy of such systems of thought, but also be as skilled as Butcher Ding in the practical application of the methods and techniques that evoke the philosophy as a living reality. Only a rare breed of individual can usually bring this forth, and Damo Mitchell is a thoroughbred within the stable of humanity. He not only brings both together but can articulate it and teach such a complex subject in a way that we can all digest and assimilate. Some people in life are unfortunate and never open the universe’s vast library of knowledge on Eastern wisdom and then there are others who get to open the library later in life. But then there are those rare souls who were born in the library and become the librarians of the perennialism of the East. Mitchell is one of those librarians who spread the wisdom of the East to the world. He was born into Eastern philosophy and practice from birth and began his life’s work from the beginning of it. Not many can say that, and that is why I am saying no one else is better skilled than him to compile such an extensive work on Nei Dan which not only covers all bases but also what the bases are built on.

Mitchell is a Western man only in appearance, as his mind is Eastern from his life lived in the philosophy and the internal arts of Asia, China especially. He is the result of a growing interest in the mystical traditions of the East in the Western world. A spiritual renaissance is beckoning humanity where the wisdom of the East is leaving the confines of Asia and being reinvigorated by Western teachers such as Damo Mitchell. Through his deep understanding of the Daoist arts, Western and also Eastern spiritually inclined people can finally assimilate the practical application and techniques of Nei Dan to fully live the philosophy of our ancient Eastern masters.

We will reap the benefits of this work on Nei Dan because even though the information in this book is guided towards our own enlightenment and the transcendent Dao it is also very timely. I say this because Mitchell explains in the text that most forms of spiritual cultivation begin with different methods of open awareness meditation techniques focusing on emptiness and the silencing of thoughts to acquire the stillness of the Zen (禪) mind, which is the mind that evokes our natural spontaneity in harmony with the Dao. But the problem with this approach, and also why it is timely, is that most modern people both Western and Eastern have no frame of reference for how or why they are doing this and ultimately have not prepared the soil within their body and mind to experience prolonged states of stillness. One who has not prepared the soil within the body and mind usually fall into delusion because the philosophy and methods of practice of the East are only understood superficially. They are taken up more so because they are trendy and a clever way of sustaining our ego in the disguise of a new “shiny” spiritual persona. Instead of becoming humble and seeking the low places where Dao is found, we perpetuate our primarily Western temperament of the “on high” hypnosis cloaked in the traditions of the East.

This subtle disguise has been with us since the counter culture movement of the 60’s and 70’s and survived through the hippy and more recently in new-age spirituality. A hippy, for example, often misinterprets following the Dao by statements such as “I’m going with the flow dude.” But a Daoist would explain that only those who are empty within the mind can flow with Dao and so your statement is only intellectual, not a natural experience. For to experience Dao the sense of “I” must not arise, hence there is nobody there in spontaneity. So the hippy’s idea of freedom is just a dress sense to show off to other people, not the real freedom of stillness within. Comparable to this is the way people attracted to Eastern wisdom understand through the “on high” of new-age spirituality only dabble in the philosophy and methods of practice rather than following them sincerely.

We find this best when people attend a 10 day silent vipassana course then once it is completed they just can’t stop chit chatting incessantly, which is the evidence that it was more about completing the course to tell other people about than actually learning real mindfulness from it. This results from an underlying tension you feel in most people which comes through their speech, posture, and rigid opinions. This underlying tension is even more evident with those who practice taiji, hatha yoga, and other forms of meditation. It all results from a lack of understanding and sincerity of abiding by the philosophy and practice of whatever method it may be. This tension we acquire from culture and society eclipses our naturalness and so even if we begin with open awareness meditation the tension has not been dealt with. The soil of our mind turns into sewage with not much hope for us to cultivate the sprouts of a lotus flower to become natural. But in this book we realize Nei Dan is a plough that will dig into the tension within our individual energy matrix. It will bring you back to earth to show you that where you once thought you were on top of a mountain that in truth you were only on a small foothill before Mount Everest.

Nei Dan is a way out of this debacle of how to return to the naturalness of Dao. The “mind stuff” we accumulate within the grey matter of our nervous system throughout our life is what Nei Dan seeks to transmute so we can turn the lead of the artificial person back into the natural immortal. We usually only experience or perceive the natural spontaneity of Dao within many art forms. We might see a divine performance in music or a piece of spontaneous magic in sport, but if you ask either to recreate their divine performance or piece of magic anxious thoughts will rise up in their mind and the recreation is sabotaged because the idea of a “person” doing it comes back into consciousness. Naturalness is eclipsed when we do not allow the wisdom of the unconscious take control of the body and conscious self.

The dilemma tackled with Nei Dan is how to reside in the spontaneous nature of Dao permanently. To this dilemma and fundamental paradox, Damo Mitchell has gone to farthest extremes of inner alchemy to bring back a map to guide us through our own internal landscape onto the irreducible essence of Dao. The map is this profound book on Nei Dan and if you allow it to soak into your mind you will be on your way to understanding the mystery you are. Then we will be natural again, as natural as the Japanese unsui (雲水). A term meaning “cloud and water,” because without trying an enlightened master drifts like a cloud and flows like water.

Jason Gregory

Foot of the Holy Mountain Arunachala

Tiruvannamalai, India

To Purchase Damo Mitchell’s new book hit the links below:

Amazon US http://www.amazon.com/dp/1848192568/

Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1848192568/

Amazon CA http://www.amazon.ca/dp/1848192568/

Barnes & Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/white-moon-on-the-mountain-peak-damo-mitchell/1122001307

Powell’s Books http://www.powells.com/biblio/71-9781848192560-0

Books a Million http://www.booksamillion.com/p/9781848192560

Visit Damo Mitchell’s School of Daoist Arts Lotus Nei Gong http://www.lotusneigong.org/


Footsteps of the Masters - Poster

Footsteps of the Masters India Tour with Jason Gregory 2016

Footsteps of the Masters - Poster


with Jason Gregory

7-18 NOVEMBER 2016

 For the first time you can travel with author and teacher of Eastern philosophy Jason Gregory on a mystical tour of India to explore and trace the Footsteps of the Masters. Get unique insights into Jason’s knowledge of the East and the memory of the masters and scared places we will visit. Jason wishes to take people to the most sacred places of India to show that the ancient Hindu and Buddhist cultures are thriving but can only be experienced by those willing to join him on this pilgrimage of the heart.

 1. About our tour to India:

Our 12-day itinerary includes visits to the most beautiful and mystical places in India. We will travel through India to visit the most important sacred places of Indian history. Most people never get the chance to experience face to face the archaic origins and sites of Hindu and Buddhist culture because they are in some of the most remote places of India. But on this journey you will get that once in a lifetime opportunity to actually feel the ancient living culture that is still thriving in the sacred places we will visit. You will also get the chance to meet real life mystics and mingle with the beautiful people of India.  

What is more, during the tour you will take part in private lectures given by Jason Gregory. He will show us the significance of how Eastern thought can help us live more harmoniously in the modern world. He strongly believes that the mystics of the East who expounded especially the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta, Zen in Buddhism, and Taoism are advanced metaphysical frameworks that give us understanding and guidance in our ordinary lives. And this is the reason for joining Jason Gregory on his tour to India to follow the “Footsteps of the Masters”. This will be a once in a life-time experience, this tour may never happen again!

 Jason Gregory about our India tour: 

 cropped-Tea-Ceremony.jpg“I have spent several years in India and the experience has changed the entire course of my life. I continue to go back and visit every year, especially the Tamil Nadu and Bihar states as they include the two places in the world that I believe everybody should visit, Tiruvannamalai and Bodh Gaya, and we will be visiting both places on this tour.

I have always told people that India is hard to explain, the attraction people have to it, and its transformative ability on an individual. It is a place that most people dislike because of real life hardships that people witness in her. But I have always implored people to persevere with her grace because if you can get past all the things that push you out of your comfort zone, there is an underlying essence of spirit that is only found in India, but you need to give her time and be open to new experiences. Many believe this comes from thousands of years of people focused on the inner realm of spirituality that has led to many great sages and stories of enlightenment in India. On this tour I want to allow people to experience this living spirit that we feel when we are in the culture of India by following the footsteps of the masters. My experience of living in India for several years allows me to take you on an insider’s journey of India on this tour where you will come face to face with her archaic soul.”   

 Jason Gregory is a spiritual philosopher, independent scholar, author, writer, public speaker, and teacher specializing in the fields of Eastern philosophy, Western esotericism, comparative religion, psychology, culture, and ancients civilizations.He is the author of the highly acclaimed The Science and Practice of Humility and the cult classic Way of the Weirdo, and the writer and director of the documentary The Sacred Sound of Creation. Jason spends his time traveling, writing, and teaching around the world through his lectures and workshops centered on his work. His lectures and workshops are said to be one of the most insightful and inspirational events one can attend, as he reveals through his work that enlightenment is not an end goal that we are searching for, but instead a way of life which is an art of living. This understanding leads to the essence of his work that enlightenment evokes a humility which is a universal science.


Day 1 – Arrival to Chennai (7 November 2016)

Arrival at Chennai International Airport. A representative of “One World Within Tours” company will welcome our guests at the Chennai Airport and transport them to our hotel. After the check-in process at the hotel, our guests will have time to rest. In the evening we will have dinner and an organizing meeting with “One World Within Tours” company’s staff. Overnight stay at the hotel in Chennai.


Day 2 – Tiruvannamalai (8 November 2016)

Ramana MaharshiTravelling to Tiruvannamalai. Tiruvannmalai is considered one of the most sacred places on Earth that has the ability to transform one’s life. It is known as the City of Enlightenment for that very reason. It has been the home to sages, sadhus, and yogis for thousands of years. Tiruvannamalai is home to the holy mountain Arunachala which is thought of to be an incarnation of Shiva. Arunachala is what drew the 20th century sage Sri Ramana Maharshi to this little Indian town, where he remained silent for 7 years up on the holy mountain in meditation. During his life at the foot of Arunachala disciples were attracted to his immense presence and an ashram was built around him, the famous Sri Ramana Asramam. It was here that Paul Brunton had his famous encounter with the Maharshi and consequently led to his international bestseller In Search of Secret India. This Hindu culture has never left this place, where you find sadhus descend on Tiruvannamalai every day renouncing the world to be at the foot of Arunachala and to also spend time in meditation at the Arunachaleswarar Temple (Temple of Shiva).

Arunchaleshvara Temple

During day 2 we will visit Arunachaleswarar Temple (Temple of Shiva) and explore its magnificent architecture and mythology. We will tour the city of Tiruvannamalai to get people acquainted with the City of Enlightenment.

Day 3 – Tiruvannamalai (9 November 2016)

Sri Ramana Ashram

Early in the morning we will go to Sri Ramana Ashram to observe Puja (Hindu ritual worship to any particular God) and also meditate in the silence of this sacred space. We will then walk up to Skanda Ashram where Sri Ramana Maharshi spent 7 years in silence. We will practice meditation there before going to breakfast. Later in the day we will visit the famous Girivalam Path to visit temples and be in the presence of sadhus.

Day 4 – Tiruvannamalai (10 November 2016)

Skanda Ashram

We will rise early again on day 4 to walk up Arunachala and visit Skanda Ashram one last time to meditate before we embark on our day. During our last day in Tiruvannamalai we will visit the Sri Ramana Ashram library to explore numerous scared books for purchase at extremely low prices before saying goodbye to our sadhu friends at Girivalam Path.

Day 5 – Pondicherry (11 November 2016)

Sri AurobindoPondicherry is an old French state of India. It is a beautiful contrast where East meets West. This unique mix of French with Indian thought has led to one of the most culturally diverse states in India which is visable through its architecture and the unification of European ecology with Indian spirituality. This state was home to the 20th century sage Sri Aurobindo and Ponicherry is where he met Mirra Alfassa (also known as “the Mother”), a French woman who was significant in helping Aurobindo’s vision of the unification of a spirituality in harmony with the planet. This vision of the Mother and Aurobindo manifested as the first universal city Auroville just outside Pondicherry. This is where the principles they envisioned for humanity can be recognized. Auroville was founded by the Mother in 1968.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

When we arrive on our first day in Pondicherry, we will visit the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and share a meditation together beside the tomb of Sri Aurobindo. After that we will explore the French district of Pondicherry.

Day 6 – Pondicherry (12 November 2016)


On day 2 in Pondicherry we will rise early and make our way out to the universal city Auroville. We will visit the farms and taste the local organic food in Auroville. After that we will visit the Auroville community centre to learn more about the principles and practices that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had envisioned for humanity. At the end of the day we will visit the Matrimandir, a golden metallic sphere in the center of Auroville.

Day 7 – Mahabalipurum (13 November 2016)

Mahabalipuram (also known as Mamallapuram) is an ancient historic town and was a bustling seaport at the time of Periplus (1st century AD) and Ptolemy (140 AD). Mahabalipuram is one of the most archeologically significant places in India. It is the home of ancient Dravidian architecture where Buddhist elements of design are prominent. In the ancient architecture and art of these sites we see depicted the holy trinity of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma along with epic stories that emulate the Bhagavad Gita. The group of monuments at Mahabalipuram has been classifies as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Arjuna's Penance

On our first day we will visit the ancient group of monuments at Mahabalipuram where we will discuss the significance of this ancient Indian art. After that we will make our way to the famous Shore Temple and also spend time the beautiful Mahabalipuram beach.

Day 8 – Mahabalipurum (14 November 2016)


In the morning of our second day in Mahabalipuram will relax before a big journey to Bodh Gaya later that morning. In the afternoon we will arrive at Bodh Gaya and relax.

Day 9 – Bodh Gaya (15 November 2016) 

Buddha 4Bodh Gaya is considered one of the most sacred places on the planet. It is famously known as the place where Gautama the Buddha reached enlightenment under what became known as the Bodhi Tree. Over millennia temples and monasteries have been built around the famous Bodhi Tree. The Mahabodhi Temple and Bodhi Tree reside on the same site and is one of the most powerful places one could visit. It is a holy place for Buddhists, Hindus, and people who are not affiliated with no religion but class themselves as spiritual.

Mahabodhi Temple

On our first day in Bodh Gaya we will rise very early and meditate under the Bodhi Tree and spend a lot of time in the complex of the Mahabodhi Temple discussing its significance to the world.

Day 10 – Bodh Gaya (16 November 2016)


Again on the second day we will meditate under the Bodhi Tree early in the morning before breakfast. After that we will visit numerous nationalities monasteries that have been built over the millennia in Bodh Gaya.

Day 11 – Bodh Gaya (17 November 2016)

Bodh Gaya

 On day 3 we will say goodbye to Bodh Gaya and make our journey back to Chennai.

Day 12 – Depart Chennai (18 November 2016)

Chennai International Airport

It is time to say goodbye to India. After breakfast we will be flying back homes.

The order of places that we are going to visit might be modified.

3. Terms & Conditions

* Price per person: $3700 USD (or equivalent in GBP/EUR/AUD) for double room. If you are traveling alone, you can share a room with another tour member.

* If you would like to have a single room you have to pay extra $790 USD (or equivalent in GBP/EUR/AUD).

* Couple Special: $6400 USD (or equivalent in GBP/EUR/AUD) for 2 people to share double room.

* After August 15, 2016 deposit or full payment are nonrefundable. This refund policy is in place because from August 15, 2016 all accommodation and traveling schedule will be booked. There will be no refund after August 15, 2016 as a result. 

 Price Includes:

* Jason Gregory as your tour host

* 11 nights accommodation at good hotels in India

* Chennai to Patna return domestic flights

* Transfers in air-conditioned bus

* Entrance tickets to all sites

 Not Included:

* International flight to India and return flight back to your country;

* Visas and insurance. The onus is on the traveler to ensure that passports, visas and other travel documentation are valid and in order.

* Meals during the tour

4. Payment Schedule: 

* Only $1000 USD deposit during booking for a single ticket (or equivalent in GBP/EUR/AUD).

* Only $2000 USD deposit during booking for a couple ticket (or equivalent in GBP/EUR/AUD).

* Full payment must be received by 15 August 2016.

After August 15, 2016 deposit or full payment are nonrefundable. This refund policy is in place because from August 15, 2016 all accommodation and traveling schedule will be booked. There will be no refund after August 15, 2016 as a result. 

During booking you should prepare personal details, date of birth, address, phone number, Email address, passport number, Passport Expiration Date (example mm/dd/yyyy). These details you should send to our Email: jasongregory@hotmail.com.au

To purchase tickets hit this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/footsteps-of-the-masters-india-tour-with-jason-gregory-tickets-17452708521

We encourage you to book this tour as soon as possible, because the number of places is limited!

Please contact us for more information and for details –jasongregory@hotmail.com.au



ScPrHu (1)

The Science and Practice of Humility OUT NOW!

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The Science and Practice of Humility is the new book written by Jason Gregory published by Inner Traditions in the US, who are one of the leading publishers on spiritual traditions east and west, perennial philosophy, holistic health and healing, etc. It was published on October 20, 2014 and has hit the bookstores worldwide. This is a monumental piece of work that has taken quite some time to finalize.

 The Science and Practice of Humility has been highly acclaimed by many authors, filmmakers, public speakers, and musicians with many well-known individuals endorsing the book. See the praise for The Science and Practice of Humility on this website here https://jasongregory.org/books-films/ On top of this, bestselling author Daniel Reid, who wrote the classic bestseller The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity, has wrote an unbelievable foreward for Jason’s new book which complements the profound content of the work.

The Science and Practice of Humility is available to order now both in bookshops and online.  To purchase the book below are the links to take advantage of the amazing offers online:

Amazon US http://www.amazon.com/dp/1620553635/
Kindle US http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OBHCLLO/
Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1620553635/
Kindle UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OBHCLLO/
Amazon Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/1620553635/
Kindle Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00OBHCLLO/
Amazon India http://www.amazon.in/dp/1620553635/
Kindle India http://www.amazon.in/dp/B00OBHCLLO/
Amazon France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1620553635/
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Kindle Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00OBHCLLO/
Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. http://www.innertraditions.com/isbn/978-1-62055-363-3
Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-science-and-practice-of-humility-jason-gregory/1118592174?ean=9781620553633
Book Depository http://www.bookdepository.com/Science-Practice-Humility-Jason-Gregory/9781620553633
Powell’s Books http://www.powells.com/biblio/9781620553633
Fish Pond http://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/Science-and-Practice-of-Humility-Jason-Gregory/9781620553633
Books a Million http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Science-Practice-Humility/Jason-Gregory/9781620553633

At the moment Jason is in the process of organizing three new books for publication, but if you have any questions feel free to ask him on the contact page as he would love to hear from you. More information on the content of Jason’s new book will be shared in his upcoming 2015 UK & US Tour. Jason sincerely hopes that you can secure yourself a copy of The Science and Practice of Humility and share what is within the book with others.

The Science and Practice of Humility Book Trailers

Unveiled & Lifted

Unveiled and Lifted Documentary (Featuring Jason Gregory)

On May 31st, 2013, the highly anticipated documentary Unveiled and Lifted was released. Unveiled and Lifted was co-produced by Canadian radio host Cari-Lee Miller and US editor, filmmaker and musician Justin Jezewski. Both Cari-Lee and Justin have been working tirelessly with a group of authors, filmmakers, artists and freethinkers for six months in this larger than life collaboration. This is the second time Jason Gregory has worked with Justin Jezewski and the first with Cari-Lee Miller who are both good friends of Jason. Other than featuring Jason Gregory, the film also includes a wide variety of inspirational individuals such as Kathy Fontecchio, Derrick J Freeman, Rob in the Page Family, Elina St-Onge, Vinny Eastwood, Thomas Sheridan, Dayna Martin, Nabil Shaban, Liam Scheff, Max Igan, Charles Shaw, Truther Girl Sonia, Joe Martino, Thema Azize Serwa, Derrick Broze, Karen Sawyer and Brendon Culliton.

Unveiled and Lifted is quickly becoming an internet blockbuster and is featured on Top Documentary Films website using Jason Gregory’s transcription as the description of the film. Hit the link to view http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/unveiled-lifted/

Cari-Lee and Justin are looking forward to more feedback about the film, so please watch share and enjoy the film.

The Sacred Sound of Creation - New DVD Front Cover

The Sacred Sound of Creation

On February 7, 2012 Jason Gregory and Justin Jezewski released The highly acclaimed film The Sacred Sound of Creation. Since its inception The Sacred Sound of Creation has been regarded as one of the most informative and life changing films of the year. Steeped in eternal wisdom The Sacred Sound of Creation has been given five out of five stars by various media outlets and has also been endorsed by best selling author Graham Hancock and Walter Cruttenden. The Sacred Sound of Creation is based on the presentation of the same name that Jason Gregory premiered on the Reality Unplugged Tour of Australia in November 2011. In his dedication to the Knowledge behind this work, Jason teamed up with US filmmaker and musician Justin Jezewski to co-create the film version of The Sacred Sound of Creation.