Healing Mental Health Problems with Spirituality

In this podcast, we will explain why Eastern spirituality holds the secret key to solving mental health problems. In our increasingly busy world, along with the demands of what society expect of the individual, it is not surprising that mental illnesses in the world are becoming commonplace. Our societies try to offer advice and methods for tackling this growing problem. We are told to take all sorts of medication, this diet and that meditation practice, visit the psychiatrists, but still mental illnesses are increasing exponentially. The heart of the problem is so obvious, but not socially accepted in the modern world. But in the East this taboo knowledge and approach builds the core of the ancient spiritual teachings. It is a matter of how serious and radical are we willing to be to tackle this health crisis head-on. Find out more! NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
Why You Live in Fear (The Rope and Snake Analogy)

A persistent problem on the spiritual path is that even though we may understand that we are eternally one and all else is an illusion, our soul on an individual level is still overcome by fear because of a fundamental misperception that is best explained through the famous Vedantic analogy of the rope and the snake. In this episode of The Sacred Word, I will explore the Atmabodha (Self-Knowledge), a famous text by the great Advaita master Shankara. In this text, Shankara explains the significance in understanding the rope and snake analogy and how it holds the key to freeing your soul from fears illusory boundaries. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
BHAGAVAD GITA | How Krishna Enlightened Arjuna on the Battlefield of Life

In this podcast, we will explain the spiritual significance of the Bhagavad Gita. The story of Krishna and Arjuna is one of the most well-known in the world, but one of the least understood in its traditional context. The story itself contains everything we need to know about life and the ultimate reality we are all a part of. Lessons about following our Dharma through the three main paths of yoga build the core of this story. But the deeper aspects of the story are how we discover our Dharma and our constitutional yogic path through the process of surrendering our individual egoic beliefs and desires to the will of Vishnu, the Ultimate Reality. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The Analytical Mind vs Holistic Mind (A Test for Your Mind)

In this episode of Enlightenment Today, I will conduct a cultural test that is supposed to determine your understanding of Eastern spirituality. This test is common in cognitive science and has been instrumental in learning about the differences between the analytical and holistic functions of the mind. There is this misunderstanding in the world that we universally think the same. This test destroys that illusion, revealing that we don’t think the same and actually there are a lot of differences between us culturally which is reflected in the spiritual traditions of the East and West. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
Tao Te Ching Chapter 4 Explained: The Unfathomable Source of the Universe

In this podcast, we will dissect chapter four of the Tao Te Ching to give you ultimate clarity on the meaning of the chapter. This is the fourth episode of the 81 Meditations of the Tao Te Ching, a series where we will explore each chapter of the Tao Te Ching. In chapter four, Lao-tzu returns to the mystery of the Tao and he explains a way of being where we can merge with our source which is hidden deep but ever present. This chapter is a lesson on why humility is essential for merging with Tao. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The Next Stage of Human Evolution

In this podcast, we will explain the next evolution of human consciousness, essentially the great opportunity it is to be human. The Eastern spiritual traditions have always guided us towards this next evolution, but we’ve designed a world where we are exponentially forgetting the sacred due to our habit of succumbing to our animal past that locks us in a psychological state of fear, where status, fame, wealth, security, and protection are the highest priorities. But always in the background are the symbols, texts, and sages of the mystical traditions pointing us to the source of all existence that transcends all life but is also immanent within all life. Something within us is always gently whispering, “Do you remember? Why do you exist?” The evolution of consciousness is a remembering process and a turning away from the forgetting process of Samsara. But what are we trying to remember? The answer to this question is imperative to understand for the next stage of human evolution to take place. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
BRAHMAN & TAO | The Ultimate Reality Beyond God

When Westerners hear about the ultimate reality within Eastern philosophy and spirituality, they often confuse it with the idea of God. But the ultimate reality in the East is not a creator who is judging our lives according to a set of beliefs. The ultimate reality in the East is related to the way of nature and it is the substratum of the universe, a supreme consciousness that is eternal and dwells within all of our beings as one. This substratum has been termed Brahman and Tao, which many people have heard me mention and at times explain in my videos. In this episode of Ask Jason, I will answer a few questions regarding the nature of Brahman and Tao, what are they? Are they the same? Are they in any way related to the Abrahamic religious understanding of God? All will be revealed. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The Importance of Spirituality in 2021

In this podcast, we will explain why it is important to focus on spirituality in 2021. 2020 for many was a year to forget. But what 2020 did expose is that there are many people who believe they are spiritual but when a little pressure is applied, they become emotional and reactive. This is a common trait with new age spirituality and this is why I focus on the authentic teachings of the East without any flimflam or BS. We need to truly understand what it means to be spiritual, especially from the perspective of the Eastern spiritual traditions, as they are focused on the nature of consciousness and inner self-work. In a time when the winds of change are like a tornado, we need to be soft and flexible to move efficaciously with the everchanging universal river of Tao. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.

There is so much hatred in the world. Many people banding together based on group identification. As a result, our perception of the world is clouded, and we’re unable to see the world as it truly is. Division and conflict are the result when we are literally blind to the truth. The fabric of society is built on the foundation that separation is true. But is separation really true? Or is separation the heart of a tired old game that is the root cause of all the problems in the world? If our mentality of separation is true, then why does it only cause conflict? In this documentary, I will tackle these questions head on. I will address the adult conversation we try to avoid having. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The Secret Meaning of 33 to Enlightenment (Order Out of Chaos, Jesus in India, Chakras, Freemasonry)

In this podcast, we will explore the evolution of perception that we experience in our consciousness as a result of the spiritual process. This is a multifaceted topic which requires us to delve into the occult proverb of order out of chaos and the number 33 and why they are significant and relate to enlightenment, the chakra system, and the mythology embedded in the death and resurrection story of Jesus. Are the secrets of the mystical knowledge of the evolution of perception found in the theory that Jesus was in India during his 18 missing years learning the way of the Buddha and the yogis? Find out! NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.