Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance | Book Trailer

This is the official book trailer for my new book Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance. I know it may seem a little odd to speak about myself in the third person in the trailer, but this book trailer is for commercial use also and not just for YouTube. My new book was published June 16 and is available now with some amazing deals at this link https://amzn.to/2oZZdFm Below is the synopsis for my new book: Reveals a structured mind-body system for cultivating effortless action and intelligent spontaneity for peak performance • Details 4 fundamental habits and routines that are essential for developing peak performance and explains how to incorporate them into daily life • Explains the cognitive science behind the development of expert skills and how the teachings of ancient Eastern sages align with these scientific findings • Offers practices for cultivating physical and mental intelligence, fasting the mind, and harnessing creativity to achieve your desires Integrating the wisdom of the ancient sages with modern science, Jason Gregory explains how world-class artists and athletes reach peak performance–and how you, too, can harness this “lifestyle technology” to make your actions effortless, enjoy intelligent spontaneity, and reach optimal performance at a peak level. Drawing on modern cognitive science, Gregory explains dual process theory, which divides mental activity into two spheres: cold cognition, analogous with rational thought, and hot cognition, based on emotional intuition–a theory anticipated by ancient Eastern thought, especially the teachings of the Chinese sages. The author explains that peak performance is impossible to achieve by relying solely on cold cognition as it cuts you off from the energy reserves necessary to excel. He shows how the athletic concept of being “in the zone” is based on practices that have become energized by hot cognition and thus instinctive. Outlining a structured training system that blends hot and cold cognition, the author identifies four fundamental habits and routines that lay the foundation for a healthy embodied mind and mindful body and thus are essential for developing peak performance and success. He explains how these training methods are practical applications of ancient wisdom from Zen and Taoist traditions, such as wu-wei, as well as how they are supported by recent medical research. Building on the four fundamentals, he offers practices for cultivating physical and mental intelligence, fasting the mind, and harnessing creativity to achieve your desires. Gregory explains how, with regular practice, we can use the four fundamentals to create masterpiece days. And, as the masterpiece days compound, you build an unstoppable momentum where success is inevitable.
How You are Identical with the Source of the Universe

In this podcast, we will explore the fundamental source of the universe and a lot more. In the three great Eastern traditions of Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism the source is described using the terms Brahman, Tao, and Sunyata. Though the philosophical perspective and general worldview may differ among the three traditions, the nondual experience of the source cannot be different and is only perceived as different on a linguistic level due to philosophical differences, something acknowledged by enlightened masters and scholars. We will dissect the similarities and differences of the three traditions and focus on a comprehensive understanding of the ultimate source of all existence. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
TAOISM: The Art of Effortless Creativity in Work and Life

One of the most difficult components of wu-wei to master is the doing nondoing element. It can be easy to be constantly in a state of nondoing when we disengage from the world. But what happens when we integrate back with society? Can we act from a place of wu-wei, making our actions effortless? In this episode of Ask Jason, I will answer the concerns people have when it comes to remaining dedicated to wu-wei in our creative life. Essentially, I will address how you can allow your creative workflow to shine with abundance while remaining in the effortless state of wu-wei. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
Understanding Enlightenment in Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism

In this podcast, we will explore the nature of enlightenment within Eastern spirituality and lots more. There is often a misconception of what enlightenment is and how it relates to our subjective persona. Another issue surrounding enlightenment is whether or not it is a permanent state of consciousness or a temporary experience. We will unpack all of these issues and much, much more. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
Why Your Nature is Warped and How to Become Pure Again

In this podcast, we will explore why our nature is warped and how to become pure again. The great Eastern spiritual traditions explain that we are fundamentally good and it is all of the indoctrination we go through that warps our nature leading to insane people. The game of life in Eastern spirituality, then, is about unraveling ourselves from all of this conditioning, so we can be who we truly are. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The Universal Dance of Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang are at the core of Taoist philosophy. The challenge for a human being is finding balance between both Yin and Yang so that we can come into harmony with the Tao, the irreducible essence of both cosmic forces. But the world that we live in now runs counter to the fundamental balance of Yin and Yang both collectively and individually. The great work for all of us is to bring that balance back into our lives so that collectively we will live in a world of harmony. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The Nature of the Soul in Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism

In this podcast, we will explore the nature of the soul in Eastern spirituality. It is a far more complex theory than that of Western philosophy and religions. The Eastern view of the soul is grounded in a scientific understanding of the our mind-body relationship to consciousness. This Eastern perspective gives us clarity on the nature of reincarnation and if in fact an actual individual soul really exists. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
How the Nondual Paths of Taoism and Vedanta are Related to the Dualistic Paths of Yoga and Samkhya

The differences between the nondual paths of Taoism and Vedanta and the dualistic paths of Yoga and Samkhya are many. But both nondual and dual paths are reconciled in their foundation of experience which is interpreted differently according to each overarching philosophy. In this Ask Jason video, I will answer a question in regards to the fundamental similarities that reconcile the differences, showing that at the core of even dualistic systems such as Yoga and Samkhya, there is a nondual basis that one cannot ignore. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
Understanding the Mind of the Sage in Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism

In this podcast, we will explore the mind of the great Eastern sages and how they differ from us mere mortals. To understand the difference we will unpack the research in cognitive science and also the different wisdom found in Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. This podcast is a journey from the relative view of reality into the absolute view, as explored by great sages such as Zhuangzi, where partiality dissolves to reveal the true impartial oneness of life. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.
The History and Philosophy of Yoga. How Can It Help Us in a Time of Crisis?

For a while I’ve been planning a podcast for my YouTube channel, but I wanted to do it right and not short-change the project. So finally I’m glad to say that my first episode of the podcast is up and I’m joined by my partner in crime and life, Gayoung, to discuss the finer points of Eastern philosophy which only a long format can provide. My podcast is about diving deep into the mystical depths of the world of Eastern spirituality. In this podcast we discuss the history and philosophy of yoga and its relevance in a time of crisis, along with a lot of other topics. And don’t worry, this podcast is just an addition to everything else I have on my channel including Enlightenment Today, The Sacred Word, Ask Jason, and my documentaries. I hope you all enjoy. NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. The pages on this website may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of maintaining this site.